Now Funding | Offering: Reg CF

Tots de Napolean (Test Reg CF Currently Funding)

$0 of $500,000 min*
0 People*

12 Days Left*

$20 Minimum Investment


"Unbroken Spirit" portrays Samuel's family escape from slavery, traversing treacherous landscapes toward physical freedom. Amidst pursuit, chance encounters shape his odyssey. Their flight evolves into a quest for inner liberty, guided by an aged book. Confronting haunting memories, the family embraces forgiveness, finding profound liberation within. Amid civil unrest, this story embodies human resilience. Through courage and unwavering faith, Samuel’s family realizes true freedom transcends external confines. This film echoes hope, drawing inspiration from an acclaimed novel, revealing a journey of emancipation.

About the Filmmaker

Meet Sarah Johnson, the driving force behind "Unbroken Spirit," a seasoned filmmaker poised to elevate the cinematic landscape with her directorial debut. A graduate of New York University's esteemed film program, Sarah has honed her craft through a series of successful independent projects, showcasing her adeptness in weaving powerful narratives that resonate with audiences worldwide.

Sarah's fervor for storytelling is matched only by her vision to create impactful cinema that transcends entertainment. Her directorial approach for "Unbroken Spirit" is rooted in a profound understanding of historical narratives and a keen desire to spotlight resilience and the pursuit of freedom. Her expertise in crafting emotionally charged, thought-provoking stories positions this film as a catalyst for societal conversations while capturing the hearts and minds of a global audience.

With a track record of accolades, Sarah's directorial prowess has earned her industry recognition, including the prestigious Best Director award at the Indie Film Festival for her adept handling of socially relevant themes. Endorsed by industry veterans for her commitment to meaningful storytelling, Sarah's unwavering dedication to bringing "Unbroken Spirit" to life underscores her artistic vision and ability to deliver compelling narratives that resonate deeply with audiences, making this an investment opportunity with both artistic and societal impact.


Unbroken Spirit" stands as a cinematic testament to the enduring human pursuit of freedom and resilience. Our mission transcends the boundaries of entertainment, aiming to shine a spotlight on the timeless quest for liberation—both physical and spiritual—against the backdrop of the 19th-century American landscape. This film's purpose is to not only recount a historical journey but to resonate deeply with contemporary audiences, stirring conversations about the universal pursuit of freedom and the unwavering spirit that transcends adversity.

Through the compelling narrative of Samuel's escape from slavery and his profound inner journey, "Unbroken Spirit" endeavors to illuminate the profound strength found within the human spirit. Our mission is to foster empathy, ignite discussions on social resilience, and inspire a collective recognition of the enduring human capacity for hope, courage, and the pursuit of true freedom—a message that resonates beyond the confines of time and societal boundaries.

Team & Cast

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Aletha Cory


Aletha Cory is known for her determination and resilience. She was born in a small town in the midwest and grew up with a passion for music. Her parents were supportive of her dreams and encouraged her to pursue a career in music. Aletha worked hard and eventually became a successful singer-songwriter, known for her soulful voice and heartfelt lyrics.

Aletha’s passion for music led her to explore other creative avenues, including acting. She made her debut in the movie industry with a lead role in the critically acclaimed movie “The Last Song”. Her performance was praised by critics and audiences alike, and she went on to star in several other successful movies. Aletha’s dedication and hard work have made her one of the most sought-after actresses in Hollywood.

Team Portfolio

Our talented team has worked on some really amazing films over the years and are excited to bring their knowledge and expertise to [Project Name].

Media Gallery

Proof of Concept Trailer

The Angel Model

We have chosen to crowdfund through Angel Funding because we believe in the power of storytelling to illuminate the human condition. Our audience, driven by a shared desire to champion narratives that radiate hope, resilience, and the triumph of the human spirit, will play a pivotal role in bringing this poignant story to life. By collaborating with supporters who believe in stories that uplift and inspire, we aim to create a film that resonates universally, fostering a sense of connection and empathy across diverse audiences.

Angel Studios is a film studio platform that helps creators come together with viewers to create high-quality TV and film without the Hollywood guesswork. How do they do that? Producers like us use the Angel Studios’ platform to pitch TV content to you, and then you --the audience-- chooses which projects qualify to be potentially distributed by Angel Studios. By partnering with its affiliated crowdfunding portal Angel Funding, Angel Studios has also innovated a way to let the audience invest in these projects to help fund their creation and for investors to share in some of the profits of films and TV series that are profitable.

While many of the Angel Studios projects have not provided profits to investors at this time, Angel Studios has proven that profits are possible and several Angel projects have already resulted in investment returns for audience members who invested in the projects.


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