Not Currently Funding | Offering: Reg CF

His Only Son

$79,901 of $250,000 min*
58 People*

What is “His Only Son”?

  1. This beautiful movie has already been made. The investment opportunity is to raise funds for theatrical distribution costs (P&A).

  2. His Only Son is a biblically accurate film that we intend to release theatrically during the 2023 Easter season, opening March 31.

  3. As evidenced by The Passion of the Christ,* audiences have demonstrated they will gladly pay to watch well-made biblical movies in theaters, especially during the Easter season.

  4. This opportunity sets a new precedent for projects that have partnered with Angel Studios. This project is on track to be shown to audiences in just a few weeks, instead of the average production time of 18 months.

  5. Devoted care was given to this movie’s historical accuracy, awe-inspiring visuals and tender character development. These same elements are found in The Chosen,* whose episodes have been viewed over 420 million times.

*Success in other projects does not guarantee success for His Only Son. There can be no assurance that the projected results will be obtained, and actual results may vary significantly from the projections.

What is P&A?

P&A stands for “Prints and Advertising,” and it’s an old theatrical industry term from back when movies were printed onto physical film. The term is still widely used today to describe the cost of taking a finished movie like His Only Son and marketing it to moviegoers. It’s a crucial piece of the marketing budget for a film, and in the film industry is attractive to investors. Why? Because with P&A, money is only raised after the film is already made and you know the quality of the work. Also, the promised return to P&A investors is paid directly out of theatrical proceeds–meaning P&A investors get paid right after the theater gets paid. So it’s the last money in, and the first money out.

The project will follow the standard film industry payout model. Another exciting element is that the model for P&A investment has the promise of potential returns within a 12-month period, rather than the much lengthier time when you invest in a film before filming even begins.

About His Only Son

It is one of the most controversial moments in all Scripture-- when the Lord God tested Abraham by commanding him to take his son, his only son, and sacrifice him on the mountain of Moriah. This feature film illustrates that striking account, following Abraham, his son and their two servants as they journey for three days to the place of the offering. Along the way, the men encounter dangers and trials as Abraham silently relives memories spanning the decades he and his wife, Sarah, longed for the son God had promised… the son he must now lay upon the altar.

The heavy lifting is complete. The script was written, production money secured, a cast was chosen, musical score developed, locations scouted, props created, filming completed, editing done and funds exhausted. All that is left is P&A, which allows the incredible work that has already been completed be seen.

What is the Movie Like?

What can we glean from the success of The Chosen and The Passion of The Christ? Audiences love when filmmakers devotedly bring that time in history vividly to their eyes, empowering immersion into the story. Viewers also love rich character development, backstory, elegant dialogue, and faithfulness to the historical record. And perhaps most of all, they want to see the accurate depiction of eternal truth.

One uniquely powerful way His Only Son demonstrates commitment to authenticity is by the cast. For example, Abraham is portrayed by Nicolas Mouawad, an award-winning Lebanese film and tv star with a huge fan base throughout the Arabic speaking world, which, by the way, is aware of and excited to watch this film.

Deeply Rooted Values

From the creator, David Helling: 

Since my time as a Marine in Iraq, when the Lord got ahold of my heart and drew me to His Word, my life's mission and desire has been to illustrate and exposit the Bible through film-- so that others can see what I saw in Scripture... and in seeing they might believe... and in believing they may have life in His name.

The endeavor of this film began with the desire to bring clarity to one of the most infamous moments in redemptive history. However, once I began writing the script nearly five years ago, I began to experience the darkest, loneliest, most heart-wrenching years of my life-- a season that, to a significant degree, continues to this day. But through this trial, never could I have imagined that the message of this film would act as such a timely comfort in my bleakest nights. 

It stands as a reminder to me and all of us, that even in our most dire circumstances, the Lord has a purpose in it all-- and for those of us that love Him, that purpose is for our good.

The Challenge

Distributing an independent film theatrically is always a significant hurdle.  That is why we have entered into an agreement with Angel Studios to be our distribution partner. Angel Studios has experience with global hits like The Chosen, of which a Christmas Special and Season 3 have a theatrical release. Angel also has a track record of working outside of traditional studio paths, so we are hopeful that audiences will be excited to have such an offering in their local theater.

The Angel Studios Model

Angel Studios is the distributor of the phenomenal series The Chosen. In 2021 alone, The Chosen earned more than $80 million in revenue*, which is extraordinary for a faith series, and even more incredible when one considers the groundbreaking pay-it-forward model they've pioneered. Angel Studios has supported creators who have raised over $30 million to create shows that amplify light.

*There is no guarantee of any return. The success of other projects does not guarantee the success of this project. Revenue generated by Angel Studios does not indicate profits earned by The Chosen, LLC or its investors.


a hand depositing money


Invest in the P&A round, which fuels the marketing campaign for the film's theatrical run.

camera and clapboard

Theatrical Run

The P&A Funds are used to attract a large audience to see the film all over the country.

hand receiving profits


All of our revenue will be allocated to P&A investors until they are repaid on the terms of the Promissory Note.



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